Heard in 33 countries, the Ed and Bob Show breaks from their regular programming with their first “Opening America” episode. Across the US there are protests by citizens wanting to get back to work while there are others warning of a spike in coronavirus infections and deaths. Where do you stand? What are the dangers of businesses opening and what is the downside of not getting our economy going again? Join Ed and Bob as they look at both sides and also give you the new projections that might startle you. The projections given on this episode can be found at https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america. Easily listen on Apple Podcasts, Alexa with TuneIn, ChicagoTalks.com, NashvillePodcasts.com, KnoxvillePodcast.com and now at OrlandoPodcasts.com! Contact the hosts at EdandBob@yahoo.com.