Welcome to the Ed and Bob Show! Each show we find an entertaining way to discuss topics like politics from Washington D.C. to Tennessee to our hometown in Knoxville; plus topical news and holidays and things that make us mad!

We are doing this to satisfy the thousands of people who have asked us, “When are you guys going to be back on the air? We miss the show!” So…here we are! We don’t know where this goes, but this is the beginning and with a positive response…who knows where we end up!

A little history lesson…Ed Brantley and Bob Thomas began working together in the 70s at WIVK. For over 20 years they were on the air and both had the highest-rated radio shows in America for their time slots. Bob went to Hollywood and Ed became the station manager. In 2009 they joined together to host a morning talk show that quickly became the #1 talk show in East Tennessee. It ended after 3 years when the owner sold the station. So Ed and Bob ran for office and became the two At-Large Commissioners for Knox County. Now those four year terms are over and it’s time for the next chapter.

Join us!
